Collection: Sacai x Dr. Woo in ComplexCon
sacai and Dr. Woo will join ComplexCon Hong Kong Marketplace! Dr. Woo will be on-site on March 21st and March 22nd to customize 7 sacai items, including 1 handbag, 3 denim jackets, and 3 pairs of boots. You can now to pre order the items via the Link and visit sacai x Dr. Woo booth at ComplexCon Hong Kong Marketplace on your chosen date and time to have a face-to-face customization session with Dr. Woo! All buyers must hold a valid ComplexCon Hong Kong ticket for the day of purchase. Items are first-come, first-served, don't miss out!
sacai @sacaiofficial 將與 Dr. Woo @_dr_woo_ 攜手參加 ComplexCon 香港潮流市集!Dr. Woo 將會在 3 月 21 日及 3 月 22 日於即場為買家客製化繪畫 7 件 sacai 單品,當中分別包括 1 個手袋、3 件丹寧外套及 3 對皮靴。大家現在可於 Link 先行購買商品,並於已選擇的日期及時間到 ComplexCon 香港潮流市集內的 sacai x Dr. Woo 攤位與 Dr. Woo 面對面進行整個客製化過程!所有買家均需同時持有當日 ComplexCon 香港門票才能購買,先到先得,售完即止。