
Lifestyle Asia: Hong Kong is all set to host As...
The cultural world fair, ComplexCon will take place outside the US for the first time. This will launch the first Asia edition of the famed pop culture festival. To coincide...
Lifestyle Asia: Hong Kong is all set to host As...
The cultural world fair, ComplexCon will take place outside the US for the first time. This will launch the first Asia edition of the famed pop culture festival. To coincide...

SCMP: ‘Unique milestone’: Hong Kong to host pop...
Hong Kong is set to host pop culture festival ComplexCon’s Asia debut next year, as part of government efforts to boost the post-pandemic economy and tourism, as well as further...
SCMP: ‘Unique milestone’: Hong Kong to host pop...
Hong Kong is set to host pop culture festival ComplexCon’s Asia debut next year, as part of government efforts to boost the post-pandemic economy and tourism, as well as further...

HKET: 潮流藝術展ComplexCon明年3月舉行 選址香港亞洲國際博覽館
國際潮流盛事ComplexCon,多年來雲集世界最具影響力的品牌及藝術家,在美國舉辦為期兩天博覽。 Read more here.
HKET: 潮流藝術展ComplexCon明年3月舉行 選址香港亞洲國際博覽館
國際潮流盛事ComplexCon,多年來雲集世界最具影響力的品牌及藝術家,在美國舉辦為期兩天博覽。 Read more here.

HKEJ: 國際流行文化盛事ComplexCon明年3月登陸香港
Complex宣布把旗下自開辦以來一直備受全球注目的國際潮流盛事ComplexCon首次帶到亞洲,將於明年3月22至 24日期間登陸香港。 Read more here.
HKEJ: 國際流行文化盛事ComplexCon明年3月登陸香港
Complex宣布把旗下自開辦以來一直備受全球注目的國際潮流盛事ComplexCon首次帶到亞洲,將於明年3月22至 24日期間登陸香港。 Read more here.

Marketing-Interactive: Hong Kong sets to stage ...
Complex is bringing its iconic cultural world fair ComplexCon to Hong Kong in March next year as its first-ever ComplexCon Asia edition, aiming to boost the local economy and reposition...
Marketing-Interactive: Hong Kong sets to stage ...
Complex is bringing its iconic cultural world fair ComplexCon to Hong Kong in March next year as its first-ever ComplexCon Asia edition, aiming to boost the local economy and reposition...

Fashion Network: ComplexCon eyes Hong Kong in 2024
Complex announced on Tuesday the launch of ComplexCon Hong Kong, set to take place from March 22 to 24, 2024, at the AsiaWorld Expo, marking the festival's inaugural foray into...
Fashion Network: ComplexCon eyes Hong Kong in 2024
Complex announced on Tuesday the launch of ComplexCon Hong Kong, set to take place from March 22 to 24, 2024, at the AsiaWorld Expo, marking the festival's inaugural foray into...